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Upcoming Events

Join our exclusive Pilates In-person events and discover the incredible potential within you.

Upcoming Events.

Led by a team of dedicated and experienced Pilates teachers and wellness experts, our events are the perfect opportunity to unlock your capabilities.
Whether you're a beginner or a professional practitioner, our variety of events cater to all levels of experience. Find more of yourself and embrace a healthier, more vibrant version of you. Join our Pilates events today and unlock the extraordinary within!

In-person, Swiss Alps
More Care & Appreciation
Retreat with Debora Kolwey
November 26-28, 2024
Hybrid: Villars, Switzerland
Exclusive Pilates Congress
Exclusive Pilates Congress With Special Guest: Wendy Le Blanc Arbuckle
February 01-02, 2025
In-person, Costa Rica
Journey Within
Pilates & Adventure Trip
March 02-06, 2025

Event Replay Videos.

Nothing can replace the moments of participating in a live Pilates event sharing the joy of learning, gaining massive insights. If you miss one, our Inner Circle Memberships offer unlimited access to these recordings and additional exclusive content. Stay updated and check out our event calendar to never miss a live event again. Be part of a community where you are seen, heard, and understood!
Note: Our Zoom learning content is now available in French, facilitated by AI. How to enable closed captions? How to enable audio translation?

Exclusive Pilates Congress - Villars, March 2024

Did you miss joining Blossom, Kyria and Iva for the Exclusive Pilates Congress live or would you like to benefit...
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Exclusive Pilates Congress- Villars, 2023

Did you Miss our last CONGRESS? Don’t worry, enjoy the REPLAY of our last Pilates Congress held in Villars Switzerland (2023)...
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Pilates Retreat Bundle "Embody More of You"

Join 4 getaway Retreats of 3-days each in the Swiss Alps to fully embody the power of the Pilates Method...
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