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How You Can Help IVA’ Grow

“We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give”.

At IVA’, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and grow in the Pilates profession, regardless of background or financial limitations. Your contribution, big or small, fuels our mission to provide accessible resources and support to aspiring instructors everywhere, up-leveling the Pilates Industry worldwide.

Become part of the Pilates community that gives back helping others and make a difference today!

Contribute & Support IVA’ vision today and spread the gift of giving !

Support Learning Now, Build a Better Tomorrow

Gratitude & Immense Appreciation

We wish to pay tribute and give thanks to all the generous people supporting us
and our scholarship program with their financial contribution
IVA’s Philanthropists
Contribution & Support
Rachel Luquet
Esther Wilhelm & Falko Krismayr
Maria Feria Aguaded
Moses Urbano
Christine Tiersbier
Nemanja Nedelkov
Monique Gabella