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The Journey Just Starts: Meet Iva, the Soul of IVA Pilates

July 7, 2024
0 min read

Pilates isn't just about physical exercise - it's a journey of self-discovery and transformation. In this interview with Iva Mazzoleni, founder of IVA Pilates, we delve into her inspiring story and discover how her unique approach to Pilates can empower you to reach your full potential. Whether you're a Pilates teacher seeking to elevate your practice or someone curious about the transformative power of movement, this interview offers valuable insights and real-life examples to inspire you.

From Personal Transformation to Inspiring Others

Iva Mazzoleni's journey to Pilates wasn't typical. Born in Switzerland to a Swiss-Italian father and a Swiss-French mother, she was expected to follow a business path. "Entrepreneurship was woven into my DNA," Iva says with a laugh. "My parents had it all mapped out – economics and international finance." However, a deep calling for a different path led her to explore sport and exercise science.

M: What changed your path?

Iva: This decision was fueled by a lifelong fascination with the human body's potential. During my studies in Australia, a neck and shoulder injury led me to discover Pilates. It wasn't love at first sight, but something kept drawing me back.

"Pilates offered a sense of wholeness and care through movement, unlike anything I'd experienced before," Iva recalls. "I wasn't just using my body; I was learning to care for it."

Pilates had a profound impact on Iva's life, igniting her passion to share it with others. "Witnessing firsthand how amazing Pilates made me feel, how it supported my body through simple yet effective movements, was astonishing" she shares. "The results were undeniable – improved immunity, overall well-being – and I knew I had to share this power."

Beyond the Exercises: Embracing a Philosophy

M: How did Pilates transform your understanding of fitness and well-being?

Iva: I had always known how to perform with my body, but learning to care for it through movement and a philosophy that caters to both rehabilitation and performance was remarkable.

"It was about understanding the philosophy behind movement, the way Joseph Pilates envisioned it: as a way to heal and empower."

For the past 22 years, I have explored these concepts. Even now, I continue to uncover the beauty of our bodies and the profound connection between mind and movement. Pilates has been a journey of self-discovery, embracing the limitless potential of the body, and living a prosperous and joyful life.

A Memorable Encounter: Deepening Her Practice

A pivotal moment in Iva's journey was meeting the esteemed Lolita San Miguel in 2012.

"It wasn't just about learning new techniques," Iva recalls, her eyes sparkling. "It was about experiencing Pilates as a way of living. This immersion, just after giving birth to my first daughter, Lia, became a powerful catalyst for growth. Within only three days, I was moving in ways I never thought possible. It showed me the incredible transformations that can happen when we focus on the journey, not just the destination."

Tailoring the Practice: A Client-Centered Approach

M: How do you tailor your teaching to meet the unique needs of each client?

Iva: In over 20 years of teaching Pilates, I've learned that clients need to be seen, heard, and understood.

"Each session begins with truly seeing the client," she explains. "I listen to their goals, assess their current state, and envision a path to their full potential. It's more than just following a set routine; it's about understanding the deeper needs of each individual."

This approach sets Iva apart from instructors who take a "one-size-fits-all" mentality. It enables clients to experience transformative changes, moving them from where they are to where they aspire to be.

Witnessing Transformations: Powerful Success Stories

Iva's passion translates into real results for her clients. She shares a moving story about a client who had been paraplegic for seven years. "Doctors told him he'd never walk again," Iva says with awe. "Through dedicated training, focusing on reconnecting with his body, he defied expectations. He eventually stood and even walked on a treadmill!" Another client, weakened by cancer treatments, sought Iva's help. With patience and a holistic approach, they transformed his health. "Today, at nearly 80, he climbs mountains and lives life to the fullest," Iva beams. These stories exemplify the transformative power of Pilates that extends far beyond physical exercise.

Unlocking Potential: The Power of Chest Expansion

M: Tell us about your personal Pilates practice –what is your favorite exercise?

Iva: Picking a favorite is challenging. However, one exercise stands out to me: chest expansion. Chest expansion has a distinct and powerful intent. This simple movement opens the chest, allowing the lungs and body to thrive. Energetically, it aligns key chakras, fostering courage and bravery. Research from Harvard even supports this, showing that maintaining an open posture can enhance mood, reduce stress, and boost confidence. For these reasons, chest expansion holds a special place in my Pilates practice. It exemplifies how the right posture can lead to transformative results, both physically and energetically.

"Incorporating chest expansion into every class is crucial," Iva emphasizes. "It's a simple yet powerful way to unlock potential and embrace a positive mindset." 

The Mind-Body Connection: The Significance of Mindset

M: How important is mindset in the practice and teaching of Pilates?

Iva: Mindset is paramount. I believe that 80% of teaching Pilates involves understanding psychology, while only 20% pertains to mechanics and movements.

"Pilates isn't just about mechanics; it's about working with the whole person, not just their body."

Recognizing the connection between thoughts, emotions, and physical outcomes is what separates a good instructor from an exceptional one.

M: How do you help clients cultivate a positive mindset?

Iva: By embodying it myself. I walk the talk, living the principles I teach. It's not about words; it's about demonstrating a high-energy state, a 'beautiful state' as I call it, where I'm mindful of the patterns that elevate or deplete me. This dedication to living a holistic life extends beyond the Pilates studio, creating a powerful and authentic teaching environment where clients can see that Pilates is a lifestyle, not just a set of exercises.

Building a Global Community: The Birth of IVA Pilates

Iva's desire to share her knowledge and passion on a larger scale led to the creation of IVA Pilates.

Iva: The limitations of face-to-face interaction frustrated me. I wanted to reach more people and empower them on their Pilates journeys. The COVID-19 pandemic further underscored the potential of the virtual world.

"IVA Pilates is my way of fulfilling this mission, helping to cultivate a healthier and happier world."

Beyond Technique: The IVA Pilates Difference

M: What makes IVA Pilates unique?

Iva: We provide a platform for continuous learning, encouraging instructors to discover their own unique path with Pilates. Our unwavering commitment to fostering a thriving online community goes beyond technical skills, incorporating elements of psychology, mindfulness practices, and even business acumen.

"Our goal is to empower you to not only live your passion but also achieve success in your Pilates business," Iva explains.


A Legacy of Inspiration

IVA Pilates is more than just an online platform; it's a vibrant community where dreams are realized, growth is encouraged, and the well-being of every individual is a priority. Through her passion, dedication, and deep understanding of the human body and mind, Iva Mazzoleni continues to inspire and transform lives, one Pilates session at a time.

Iva Mazzoleni's story is a testament to the transformative power of Pilates. And her journey continues. Join the vibrant IVA Pilates community and discover a world of resources, educational events, and a supportive network of fellow Pilates enthusiasts. Explore our membership options and take your Pilates practice – and your life – to the next level.


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